Reale-virtuale, (1996) FD539πŸ”

Ampolla in vetro, frammento rivelatore in alluminio verniciato bianco, filo in nylon e proiettore, 58 x 18 x 18 cm.


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Canelli (AT), 1930 After debutting as a painter with an Art Informel style from 1962 to 1965, he became part of P. Simondo's CIRA group, working with kinetically programmed settings. Then he went on to create multi-sensory contraptions aimed at animating the sensorial dimension of space and material (Anemofono, Liquimofono, Fleximofono, devices for creating air sculptures with light, for colouring water and the sky). He obtained critical recognition at the Venice Biennale in 1986. Lives and works in Turin.