Colonna, (1925 c.) FD114-FD115


Colonna, con Felice Casorati (1925 c.) di acero verniciato, 125.5 x 22 cm.

FD114 – FD115

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Turin, 1901 - Lausanne (Switzerland), 1998 Architect. Active in Turin in the days of Casorati, Gualino and Venturi, he was one of the promoters of architectural rationalism. At the end of the 1930's, charged with anti-Fascism, he moved to Switzerland. In 1932 in Milan he published an important research work, entitled "Elements of functional architecture", prefaced by Le Corbusier. His most important works include the workers' housing complex built on piles in Geneva (1927) and the detached housing in Saillon (1934-35).