Testa di donna, (1936) FD630 πŸ”

Cera, 37 x 14 x 14 cm


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MANZU’ Giacomo (Manzoni Giacomo)

Bergamo, 1908 - Ardea (Rome), 1991 After training as a craftsman, he moved to Milan in 1930, where, together with R. Birolli and A. Sassu, he contributed to the anti-twentieth century fringe which was to give rise to the 'Corrente' movement. Inspired by Medardo Rosso, and archaic and pre-Renaissance sculpture. In 1937 he started work on the iconographic Cardinali [Cardinals] and from 1939 to 1942 he worked on the famous Crocefissione [Crucifixion] series, a harsh critique of the Fascist regime. In the 1950's and 60's he created portals for St. Peters in the Vatican and the cathedrals of Salzburg and St. Laurenz in Rotterdam.