Ombra di tre parallelepipedi M12, (1973) FD347πŸ”

Legno e cemento, 218.2 x 91 x 26,5 cm.


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UNCINI Giuseppe

Fabriano (Ancona), 1929 In his early years his works featured non-art materials (plywood, Masonite, Cellotex, sawdust, ash and lime, etc.), which in 1958-59, after his move to Rome, he substituted with cement. In 1962, together with Biggi, Carrino, FrascΓ , Pace and Santoro he founded the β€œGruppo Uno”, and was part of that until 1967. His crude structures Cementarmati [Reinforced concrete], and Ferrocementi [Ferroconcretes] are followed by Strutture+Ombre [Structures+Shadows] in the 1970’s, where the two-dimensional nature of the work visually delineates its volume.