Annunciazione di Maria Vergine, (1880-circa) FD435π
June 17, 2017
Carboncino, matita nera e pastello bianco su carta intelata, 173.7 x 124.2 cm. FD435
Album containing 36 drawings, (first half of the 19th century) FD448
June 17, 2017
Album (295 x 440 mm) containing 36 drawings, tempera, watercolors, lithographs and engravings by various authors, mostly from Piedmont, active in the first half of the 19th century FD448
Album “Artistes piemontais”, (XIX secolo) FD447
June 17, 2017
Album “Artistes piemontais” (340 x 445 mm) containing 51 drawings, tempera, watercolors, lithographs and oils by various authors, mostly from Piedmont, active in the first half of the 19th century FD447
Senza titolo, (1990) FD514 π
June 17, 2017
Lastre di granito Verde Aosta e Nero Africa, tele su telaio e cavi di acciaio inox con morsetti. Due elementi, 200 x 140 x 6,5 cm. FD514